How much does inboard outboard conversion cost?
There is no one inboard outboard conversion price for all boats. All boats are different: different boat sizes, different boat conditions, different transom angles, curves, forms, etc.
Every customer has different requests. Some boats need special approach. One boat might need more engineering and work, the other one much less.
Boats even of the same year, make and model may differ in very many ways and so are the budgets.
Usually we are able to determine the cost of inboard outboard conversion after boat inspection.
Approximate budgets (bracket with swimming platform + labor + materials):
boats (up to 25ft) - for one outboard motor budget starts from $15k;
boats 26-27ft - for one-two outboard motors budgets start from $20-25k.
Outboard motors, rigging, parts, accessories, electronics, etc. are not included, but we can help with it.